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Infants Program in Wilson, NC

6 weeks- 10 months
In the infant classroom, teachers get to know each infant and his or her unique communication style in order to create a safe and nurturing environment for each child. We strive to create a partnership with parents, and they are extremely involved at the infant level through daily electronic reports with pictures and care taking activities such as bottles, diaper changes, and naps.

Program Features
- Teachers rotate toys and activities so infants have exposure to a variety of activities, including singing, blocks, dramatic play, and tummy time, and can work on developing skills like language stimulation and fine motor development
- The infant room is a no shoe environment to protect your child’s crawling space
- Infants have the opportunity to develop their gross motor skills through an outdoor shaded soft play area and stroller rides, weather permitting
- Infants are changed every two hours as a minimum, or as needed
- Naps are according to individual needs, and we try to encourage quiet time with lights out and soft music mid-morning and mid-afternoon
- All children are visually supervised during naps
- Each infant will have an individualized feeding schedule that is posted in the classroom in order to meet their needs