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Our Programs

One Year Old Care in Wilson, NC

18 - 24 months

Between the ages of 18 and 24 months, children become even more mobile and more confident walkers, and are ready to transition from two naps per day to one afternoon nap. The ones classroom is specially designed for these children, and provides them with ample opportunities to develop their skills and also build independence and friendships.

Program Features

  • Hands-on activities develop cognitive and social-emotional skills through singing, blocks, dramatic play, fine motor development, circle time, and art
  • Children love exploring new arts and crafts with play dough, paint, and glue
  • One year olds are able to enhance their gross motor skills on their own special playground with swings, slides, climbers, and synthetic padded grass twice a day, weather permitting
  • Naps occur once a day in the early afternoon
  • Children eat from the menu with foods cut up very small for finger feeding and continue learning to use a spoon

We look forward to hosting you at our school.